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How New Solutions are Explored (Brainstorming)


In everyday life, brainstorming is considered one of the key tools that contribute to stimulating creativity and innovation. We can understand its importance and role through some real examples and dates that highlight its power in achieving progress and development.

In 1959, Ford Motor Company applied brainstorming sessions for the first time to solve production problems and improve operations in its factories. By gathering a diverse group of employees and encouraging them to share ideas without restrictions, they succeeded in creating innovative solutions that reduce production costs and increase efficiency.

In the field of technology, the importance of brainstorming is evident in developing products that have changed our lives. For example, in 2007, Apple launched the iPhone, the result of comprehensive brainstorming where innovative ideas were employed in designing the smartphone, leading to a revolution in the mobile phone industry.

In educational communities, students are encouraged to practice brainstorming as a means to develop their creative and critical thinking skills. Through brainstorming sessions in classrooms, students learn how to think outside the box and explore new solutions to various challenges they face.

These examples and dates illustrate how brainstorming is a vital tool in stimulating innovation and creativity in various fields, contributing to the development of communities and achieving progress and success.
